How to Get Pandora to Play Exactly What You Want & Nothing You Don’t

CC BY-NC Flickr user: niallkennedy

I think it would be fair to say that Pandora is like, the grandaddy of online streaming internet radio music players, right? I know I’ve been using it since ’05 or something–way before it was positioned as the uber-successful commercial enterprise it is today–and it has always been a service I lovelovelove. But if you… Continue reading How to Get Pandora to Play Exactly What You Want & Nothing You Don’t

Dear Neglected Blog

I miss you so! I know I’ve been ignoring you since my fabulous trip to Chicago, but things have been quite busy here in Awesomeville.  The most recent development?  I gots my hurr did! What do you think? I cut eight inches off that mop, effectively ending my husband’s reference to my tresses as “barbarian… Continue reading Dear Neglected Blog

The Top 3 Most Awesome Podcasts

Once upon a time I didn’t really give a crap about podcasts.  Well, I guess it’s more accurate to say that I was ignorant to the awesomeness that lies within the little ear nuggets.  But there came a time when my iPhone playlists had bored me and I needed some auditory entertainment.  One  early morning… Continue reading The Top 3 Most Awesome Podcasts

Categorized as Life

Awesome Activism // Saudi Women for Driving

While this issue may not be as critical as genocide in Darfur, Saudi Women for Driving and related activism is a totally awesome campaign that I can get behind 100%. When I was in my teens, my parents and younger brother lived in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia while my dad worked for Saudi Arabian Airlines.  I… Continue reading Awesome Activism // Saudi Women for Driving

Giving Myself Permission

If there is one thing I have learned during my quest for an awesome life, it is that it is PERFECTLY OKAY to change my mind about things.  Just because I think that it would be totally awesome to go on a macrobiotic diet or do a different craft every night of the week or… Continue reading Giving Myself Permission

Categorized as Life Tagged

52 Projects // Plant Party

I’ve spent the past few days feeling pretty crummy and haven’t really been able to do more than change the channel on the tube.  Which, as much as I dislike it, I welcomed it because I don’t want any sickness interfering with my trip to Chicago next weekend. Thankfully I’m feelin better and ready to… Continue reading 52 Projects // Plant Party

Team Bowman // A Love Story

If those of you reading this don’t know us–or haven’t caught on by now–Team Bowman refers to my husband Jeffrey and I, and our power pup Maple Mae.  It’s our identity, if you will.  The name that will be emblazoned upon our family crest.  The two words that would hover over the little stick figure… Continue reading Team Bowman // A Love Story